WEB is a strong transition program for new students. WEB stands for "Where Everyone Belongs" and is designed to train senior students to mentor our new Gr. 6 students. We have two teachers trained to support this program and they, with the help of 35 student leaders, work together to offer a first class orientation to 150 new students before classes begin every year. WEB events happen through out the year to reinforce the relationships between Mentor students and Grade 6 students.
Student Mentors are chosen from students who apply to join WEB Mentorship. These students are put through an interview process as this is a very responsible position and participation in all events is required. Not all students who apply are accepted into the program.
WEB has transformed our culture, making it more supportive, fostering feelings of student belonging and contributing an additional "fun factor" to our students' experience. Thank you to Mrs. Strafford & Ms. Sickels for leading this group.