Students are encouraged to actively get involved and have the opportunity to lead and create extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to talk to any teacher to get started. ATSS teachers and parents have offered students a number of extra curricular opportunities including:
- Key Club
- Key Club International a high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. Key Club members perform volunteer service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels.
- keyclub.org
Clubs offered in the past based on student interest:
- Chess Club
- Outdoor Club
- Guitar Club
- Drag Racing
- French Club
- Travel and Volunteer Opportunities such as the Mexico Team that helped build a house in Mexico over spring break.